Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cards 4 Sale!

I just put my Valentine's Day cards up for sale on Etsy!

(I'm seriously annoyed by the random pictures that decide to show up sideways? If anybody knows the answer to this mystery feel free to tell me :D)

And now I have to go to work...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Wellll, I decided to try the holiday thing on Etsy, so I've made little Valentine's Day cards (3x3") to test things out. Here they arrrre:

I just love that little Bigfoot character.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nice Surprise

So I have today off...not much to do (besides the always present cleaning)...so I've been spending most of my day working on Etsy stuff. I finally took some pictures of my barrettes that I'm actually satisfied with (thanks to my awesome, new camera). I renewed a few ACEOs and decided to check my views on Craft Cult (huh? didn't realize they changed their name). Anyways, long story short, page views were way up so I investigated and I'm in my 4th treasury (that I know of). Nothing on the front page yet...but maybe this one will be, I'll cross my fingers.


I'm pretty sure all of the treasuries I've been in so far have been space related, haha. Well, I do love space!

Ummmm, well, I haven't eaten yet today so perhaps I should go do that...I got into one of my zones after waking up where I start with something and don't stop until it's done.

I'm also very excited/happy about sales lately...4 in 4 days! That's definitely a record for me...and almost 20 sales! I never thought I'd make 20 sales! And I'm offering a free gift to whomever makes the 20th sale :)

I want to add pictures, so here are the new barrette photos:

Why are you sideways peacock?!?!?

Oh wait, here's a few pictures from the holidays...
My sister is weird.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


These are pretty much all the gifts I made for people this holiday:

Besides the necklace, they're all pins/brooches. And I guess that purple flower is sideways.